3 Ways Rexburg Storage Saves Your Entire Life (Figuratively)

When preparing for your future career at Brigham Young University-Idaho, having Rexburg storage should be a top priority. 

Student move ins and outs are complicated and require great effort and stress during some of the busiest times of the year. Final exams and projects are due on the same week that students are required to move out! INSANITY. These are two of the biggest to-do’s of the semester, there shouldn’t be so much stress on students while they are trying to stay on top of class requirements and ensure passing grades.

The timing of move outs isn’t the only problem, because of BYUi’s 3 track system, many students live in Rexburg for only part of the year and can move in and out of apartments 2-8+ times in only a year!! Who came up with this system??

While there’s little we can do at Tote Blokes about the 3 track system, we can help ease the stress of moving, in 3 LIFE SAVING ways.

1. Travel Light

When moving every semester, it’s tempting to leave important things behind just at the thought of having to moving it all over again in just a few months. Next time you leave Rexburg, just take what you’ll need with you and leave the rest here. No more cramming every inch of your great Aunt’s car full of stuff! How about this instead… It’s time to leave Rexburg, you have only a couple suitcases with you and the rest in in storage, to be delivered straight to your door when you come back. The thought is so sweet it brings a tear to my eye. 

2. Focus on Finals

You have plenty of things to do besides lug each of your boxes one by one from the apartment to the car. Tote Blokes help you to focus on things that really matter; homework, finals, checkouts and goodbyes. We pick up and deliver straight from your door so that you can save your strength for more important matters.

3. Save Money!

Storage units costs are around $50 monthly! If you’re going to choose Rexburg storage, do it the smart way, by storage tote. This method was crafted for students to be able to store their things without large payments and additional fees that come with storage units.